Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Video Game Update

Moving interrupted all of my game activities... sitting in a Motel for 10 days while you moved all of your stuff in to storage, found a new place to live, filled out rental agreements, rented trucks, and moved everything in did in fact break me down enough that I bought a DS XL. Sigh. Like I need another gaming platform.

I played a bit of Dragon Quest on the DS and was hoping that the co-op would be really fun. Unfortunately for the co-op you have to get 5 hours in to the game, which ended up making it so I never tried it. I also picked up Final Fantasy IV, haven't opened it. Add it to the ever growing backlog. Also picked up Tactics A2, got 1/3rd through it (my guess.)

Then I got Internet and real computers setup again. DS XL gathering dust now for the last 2 weeks.

So, let's see where I'm at:


- (new) Alien Swarm: Awesome co-op alien game free on Steam. Only one campaign, but top notch co-op experience from the team behind L4D.
- (new) Lara Croft Guardian of Light: This was an awesome co-op experience. It's a $15 game on Xbox. Two player co-op same screen, the best part is how well balanced it was. There were a couple of frustrating parts, but not bad enough we quit. Highly recommend.
- (new) Starcraft 2 (SPC): Was cool. Good balance of difficulty on normal. May do a comp-stomp or two, but no way I'm doing competitive.

Played some and on hold:
- (new)Trinity Universe (PS3): Meh, kind of interesting GUST/Atlus kind of JRPG
- Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
- Sakura Wars (Wii)
- Record of Agarest War (360/PS3): Played a bit, was annoyed by the load times, bought the PS3 version... played some more. Put on hold.
- (new) FEAR (PC): Played through the first FEAR game, got maybe 2/3rds way through so far. Kind of repetitive but there are some nice creepy parts in it.
- (new) Transformers: War for Cybertron (PC): Up to three people co-op action shooter kind of game. Pretty fun, not a super strong co-op experience, but still pretty to look at it and it's great imitating Megatron.
- (new) Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (DS): Cute. Wish it was on a real platform though

Unlikely to finish:
- Kane and Lynch 2 via OnLive: Love OnLive, but K&L2 wasn't my kind of game. Free game coupon though made it totally worth it!
- (new) Two Worlds: Read on that it might be worth $20 for co-op. It's barely worth it.
- Vandal Hearts: FoJ
- Shiren the Wanderer

Not going to finish:
- Star Ocean: Last Hope
- (new) Murky Horizons: Like 80 pts on xbox arcade, interesting but only for about 30 minutes.
- Resonance of Fate
- Red Steel 2

- (new) Mafia 2 (OnLive): This is supposed to be pretty killer
- Dawn of War II: Chaos expansion
- Penny Arcade: Rain Slick blah blah
- Modern Warfare
- Modern Warfare 2
- Mana Khemia
- Prince of Persia: Sands of time
- Supreme Commander 2
- Final Fantasy IV(DS)

Haven't bought yet, but probably will and add to queue:
- Dragon Age: Awakenings
- Ogre Battle 64

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